Posted in February 2014

Etgar Keret // 埃特加•凯雷特

The Israeli filmmaker and author Etgar Keret comes to the Minsheng Art Museum this Tuesday (March 4) to discuss his work!

以色列的电影导演和短篇小说家埃特加·凯雷特(Etgar Keret)本周二来民生现代美术馆谈论他的作品。

suddenly a knock at the door

Crowdsourcing Translation // 众包翻译

Translation Bridges Event


As part of the Digital Writers’ Festival, this Thursday afternoon Julien Leyre of the Marco Polo Project and Zhao Jiamin of Yeeyan engage in an online dialogue about “multilingual crowds, digital bridges across cultures, and options for global readership”.

Digital Writers’ Festival的活动,将在本周四下午请到Marco Polo Project的Julien Leyre和译言网的Zhao Jiamin在线讨论“多语的观众,链接不同文化的数码桥,而且全球读者的选择”。

For more info, see the website.
